Prostate Cancer Surgery: What Can You Expect?

Prostate cancer can be a life-changing event. If your doctor has recently diagnosed you with prostate cancer, surgery may be a recommended course of treatment. But the idea of surgery can be daunting. It's important to know what to expect from prostate cancer surgery so that you can prepare for the experience. This blog post covers what to expect from prostate cancer surgery, both before and after the procedure.

Pre-Surgery Expectations:

Leading up to your surgery, your doctor may schedule an appointment to discuss your surgery and answer any questions you may have. Your doctor may also provide you with an instruction booklet that outlines everything you need to know before, during and after your surgery. The booklet should cover diet, physical activity guidelines and advice about how to prepare your home for your postoperative recovery. Additionally, you will need to fast before the surgery and follow bowel preparation instructions.

The Day of Surgery:

On the day of the surgery, you will need to arrive at the hospital early to complete preoperative paperwork and prepare for the procedure. After the surgery, a catheter will be placed in your bladder to facilitate the healing process of your urinary system. Prior to commencing the procedure, the surgical team will diligently oversee your vital signs while ensuring the proper administration of anesthesia. The procedure itself can last several hours, depending on the specifics of the operation.

Post-Surgery Expectations:

After the procedure, you will be moved to a hospital room, where you will rest and recover for several days. You'll likely experience pain, fatigue and discomfort post-surgery, but your physician will provide you with pain-relieving medications to mitigate these symptoms. Over the next few days, the catheter will remain unchanged as the bladder and urinary system heal. Throughout this time, it is essential to follow all postoperative instructions provided by your physician, including specific diet instructions and other physical therapy instructions.


During the recovery process, it is normal to continue to experience fatigue and discomfort, but it is important not to overexert yourself. Many people take this opportunity to catch up on reading, watching TV or other sedentary activities. You should plan for things in advance, such as arranging for someone to assist you with chores and meals so that you can focus on your recovery.

Follow-Up Care:

After your surgery, you will need to attend follow-up appointments with your physician to track your recovery and ensure that the cancer hasn't reoccurred. Based on the findings after your initial post-surgery appointment, you may be asked to undergo additional treatments such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

It's normal to feel apprehensive about undergoing prostate cancer surgery. However, preparing ahead of time and knowing what to expect during and after the procedure can ease that anxiety. With the right information and mindset, you can successfully recover from prostate surgery and return to a happy and healthy life.

For more information on prostate cancer surgery, contact a professional near you.
