Travelling to Mexico? Eat Safely with These 3 Food Tips

Mexico is a beautiful country with so much to see, do, and more importantly, eat. Whether you're heading there for work or leisure, your mouth may already be watering at the thought of all the delicious cuisine you'll be sampling. However, you must remember that food standards in other countries are not always as high as those in Australia. If you want to leave Mexico with happy dining memories, you need to make sure you avoid contracting a foodborne illness. Here are 3 food tips to follow if you want to stay safe.

Get Your Travel Vaccinations

Vaccinations can be a topic of heated discussion in Australia, and many people are divided over whether immunisation is a good idea. No matter which side you fall on, getting travel vaccinations is essential. In general, Australia (especially the metropolitan areas) has a high standard of health care and national policy which prevents widespread disease. The same does not necessarily apply in other countries like Mexico, and your chances of contracting an illness while there can be high. First, you should make sure you and your family are up to date on routine vaccinations. After that, there are 2 main vaccinations you should receive: Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Both these diseases can be contracted through contaminated food and water in Mexico, so they're essential for foodies. Other non-food related vaccinations you may wish to get are Hepatitis B, Malaria, and Rabies, if you've not had them already.

Avoid Eating Salad

Studies have shown that Mexican vegetables can be rife with bacteria like salmonella. Many residents are aware of how to properly disinfect produce, but you can't trust that every restaurant will be thorough. If you are concerned about contracting an illness, it's best to avoid fresh, leafy greens as much as possible. However, don't get complacent and think that you're safe if you don't order a salad bowl at the restaurant. Herbs like coriander (also known as cilantro) are used in everything from tacos to salsa. Make sure you always specifically request no fresh herbs in your meal and avoid anything that looks like it already contains herbs. You should not have problems with any cooked vegetables and herbs as the high heat kills off much of the bacteria.

Don't Skimp on Lime Juice

Lime juice is a favourite for Mexicans, and it's found in most Mexican meals. Limes (known in Mexico as limones) and lime juice are used in foods like guacamole and salsa, and even drinks like beer. One of the main reasons limes are used so heavily is because they're tasty, but another big reason may be because of their illness-preventing properties. Limes are both antibacterial and antiviral, boosting your immune system and preventing dangerous bacteria from entering your digestive system. So don't skimp on the limes when you're out dining -- feel free to request a cut lime on the side to season your dish with.
