3 Reasons to Use an Oral Irrigator Instead of String Floss When You Have Braces

You need to make sure you keep prioritising your oral health when you have braces fitted, but it can be very hard and uncomfortable to keep using string floss. That doesn't mean you should give up on cleaning between your teeth – in fact, you should consider using an oral irrigator instead of string floss while you are wearing braces.

Here are just three reasons why.

1. Easier to Maneuverer

Probably the most compelling reason to use an oral irrigator when you're wearing braces is that it is a lot easier to manoeuvre one around the mouth than it is to use traditional string floss. When you use string floss, you need to carefully thread the floss into the small gap that exists between the gum line and the wire support, and this is something that needs to be done for the space between each tooth. It can be tough and time-consuming under the best of circumstances, but it can be next to impossible when you're dealing with teeth at the back of the mouth. Furthermore, the bands and wires used to support your braces can take up quite a lot of space in the mouth, making it even harder to manoeuvre with floss.

In contrast, oral irrigators are incredibly easy to use. All you need to do is slip the end inside your mouth, then direct the jet of water against each gap. You don't need to worry about threading anything through the gap or having to get your hands right to the back of your mouth.   

2. Better at Removing Food

Both traditional string floss and oral irrigators can be used to reduce the amount of plaque that gets stuck between the teeth. However, oral irrigators are a lot better at removing clumps of food that can get stuck in your braces. Any lumps of food that do get caught in your braces can start to smell, and they aren't great for your oral health. Unfortunately, they may become stuck in areas that cannot be reached using string floss, but you can simply direct the jet of a water irrigator around the braces to remove anything that has become caught.

3. Gentler Action

Anyone who has ever had braces can tell you that things can feel a little uncomfortable. The worst of that discomfort will usually pass after a couple of days, but the gums can still feel a little sore, especially after the braces have been tightened. This is one reason why people with braces often stop flossing – it's simply too sore to continue cleaning around the gums. However, those same people could have just started using an oral irrigator instead. Its jet of water is powerful enough to get rid of plaque, but it won't hurt the gums by snapping or rubbing against them.
