Two Tips for Those Who Will Be Receiving Massage Therapy During Their Physio Sessions

If you have an injury that you plan to have treated by a therapist at a physio clinic, and you intend to have massage therapy during your physio sessions, here are some tips that you might find useful.

Be as specific as possible when explaining the location and nature of the injury

At the start of your first appointment, the physiotherapist will ask you to discuss your injury (that is, how it happened, where it is located, etc).

It is extremely important to be as clear as possible when explaining where the injury is located; for example, rather than saying that the injury is in your left leg, you should use your hand to show the physiotherapist exactly where on your calf, knee or thigh you are experiencing pain.

Additionally, you should try to be specific when describing what type of pain it is causing you to feel (for instance, is the pain sharp and sporadic, or is it a constant, dull ache?).

Describing the nature of your injury as accurately as possible will make it easier for your physiotherapist to take the correct approach when they are massaging you.

It will not only ensure that they target the correct muscles and tendons during the massage, but will also ensure that they do not cause you unnecessary pain during this process (for example, if you tell them that you have nerve damage in the injured area which causes you to feel a very sharp pain when too much pressure is applied to that spot, they will then make a conscious effort to only touch the area lightly).

Choose your outfit for the appointment carefully

It's also a good idea to choose your outfit for the appointment carefully. Whilst some physio clinics offer their clients special gowns to wear, others may simply ask you to adjust or remove certain items of clothing so that they can massage a specific part of your body.

If your clinic does not provide gowns or if you simply prefer to keep your own clothing on during the appointment, you should wear garments that are easy to adjust.

For example, instead of wearing a pair of tight jeans with a lot of buttons up the front, you might want to wear a pair of leggings or jogging pants, as the elasticated waistband on these items will make them easier to move out of the way if, for example, your physiotherapist needs to access and massage your lower back or pelvic area.
