What You Need to Know to Achieve Quality Personal Health Care

Your body has various systems that work together for you to grow and live comfortably and healthy. The circulatory and respiratory systems are responsible for making oxygen and nutrients available to your whole body. The digestion and excretion systems are accountable for making nutrients available and getting rid of unwanted waste. The reproductive system is responsible for procreation. The skeletal and muscular systems offer support to your body and enable it to move. Finally, the nervous and endocrine systems are tasked with the coordination and control of your body.

Personal care aims at making sure these systems are not compromised. When they are affected, you are considered to be ill or unhealthy.

What Factors May Affect Your Health?

These factors may either be environmental or personal.

Environmental factors are those conditions that surround you, either when you are in your house or when you are outside. They may include the availability of safe drinking water, sanitation, cleanliness, proper drainage, ventilation and proper garbage disposal. What is the source of your drinking water? Is the air you breathe polluted? How clean is the community around your home area? Such questions will help you identify whether your environment is to be considered safe in terms of your health.

Personal factors may be categorised into personal behaviours and genetics. Do you exercise, eat a balanced diet, abuse drugs or engage in risky practices like unsafe sex? Have you been immunised? Ill health from unhealthy personal behaviours can be avoided or controlled. If a genetic disorder is passed on to you by your parents or grandparents, maybe a blood disease, diabetes or heart disease, you may only have the option to manage the condition (since you cannot avoid it) to keep it from getting to the point of being life-threatening.

How Do You Maintain Good Health or Achieve Self Care?

Eat balanced meals and engage in physical exercises. The internet is an excellent resource for tasks you can do at home. Additionally, participate in social activities to avoid stress and depression.

Follow the required safe medical practices, for example, immunisations for your children and pregnant women. Avoid harmful drugs, keep your house and environment clean and always remember to wash your hands before handling food. If you get sick, and it is an illness that you cannot treat on your own, like mild flu, or if the illness symptoms are not subsiding, contact your doctor for professional treatment.

Provide care to those who cannot provide it for themselves, for example, children, the elderly and the disabled.
