How Sports Physio Can Relieve Your Sciatic Nerve Pain

Staying healthy by working out is a worthwhile pursuit. It can help you maintain a normal weight, keep heart disease at bay and improve your mood. When you don't adopt the right form, though, you may encounter a sports injury. One of the commonest and most aggravating is sciatic nerve pain. As the largest nerve in your body, the sciatic nerve runs from your lower back and down through each leg. When you understand more about how this pain arises and ways sports physio can help, you may find relief from your pain.

Strengthening your muscles following a slipped disc

One common cause of sciatic nerve pain is a slipped or prolapsed disc following lifting heavy weights. If you adopt the right form when lifting weights, it's safe to challenge yourself. However, having incorrect form can cause one of the discs inside your spine to bulge out and compress your sciatic nerve root, resulting in pain. Depending on the severity of your condition, your sports physio may recommend muscle-strengthening exercises that encourage the disc to move back into place. In many cases, it's possible to do this alongside using anti-inflammatory medications.

Altering your fitness approach to tackle piriformis syndrome

Although it isn't always possible to tell the difference between a slipped disc and piriformis syndrome, many physiotherapists can pinpoint where the problem is. The piriformis is a muscle that's in your buttock region. It's large and can aggravate the sciatic nerve when it goes into spasm. If your sports physio suspects that you're suffering from piriformis syndrome, they may recommend stretches that loosen the nerve. Additionally, they'll work with you to tailor your fitness plan so that you focus on non-aggravating exercises only while your muscle recovers. 

Sports massage for relaxing tight muscles

Whether your physio suspects a slipped disc or tight piriformis muscle is causing your sciatic nerve pain, they can use massage to provide relief. Sports massage kneads deep into the muscles and encourages them to un-knot. As a result, you'll enjoy relief from the pain you're experiencing and you may find it easier to proceed with your usual workout routine.

If you suspect you have sciatic nerve problems running through both legs or if you experience numbness around your saddle region, contact a doctor immediately. Otherwise, this is one of the commonest sports injuries physios see and they're adept at creating strategies for eliminating the pain without too many interventions.
