For the Ladies - Learn about Urinary Tract Infection For Better Management

Urinary tract infection, popularly abbreviated as UTI, refers to a disease of your urinary system. The system comprises ureters, kidneys, urethra and bladder. Usually, it is difficult to isolate one part of the urinary system and make it the only victim of UTI attacks. The bacteria can penetrate and inhabit any of the parts mentioned above. However, one thing is sure. Women stand a higher chance of catching a UTI because of the natural physiology of their urinary system. Read the following piece for some useful information on urinary tract infections.

What Causes a UTI?

Urinary tract infections are the result of harmful bacteria that wreak havoc on your urinary system. These bacteria are the primary reason your doctor advises you to wipe from the front backwards after using the lavatory. Wiping backward is a preventive measure that keeps the bacteria in the anal region from reaching your urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine outside the body from the bladder. It sits close to the anus, a position that makes it highly accessible by the bacteria responsible for UTI Infections.

What Are the Risk Factors for UTI?

Risk factors increase the chances of suffering from a UTI. Some of these factors are genetic, relative to previous infections within the family tree. The structure of a woman's urinary system also elevates the risk because the urethra is barely four centimetres long. The bacteria travel over a short distance to begin incubation. Secondly, women suffering from conditions such as diabetes are also at a higher risk of developing UTI because they have a weak immune system. Hormonal changes and conditions inhibiting the flow of urine (such as kidney stones) also increase the chances of suffering from UTIs.

What Are Some of the Common UTI Symptoms?

You need to be wary of the symptoms of urinary tract infections to ensure timely intervention. Some of the symptoms include:

  • A burning sensation in the lower abdominal section when you pass urine.
  • A foul smell every time you pass urine.
  • A dark or bloody appearance in urine.
  • An urge to pass urine but only being able to get rid of a few drops or none.

What Should You Do to Prevent UTI?

You can do a few things to minimise the risk of developing a UTI. These things include:

  • Have a generous intake of fluids, preferably water. Fluids will flush the urinary system and enhance the proper flow of urine.
  • Wear loosely fitting clothes around the crotch to encourage the flow of air around your urinary organs. Cotton underwear is also a helpful.
  • Always pass urine within the shortest possible period whenever you feel an urge. Refrain from holding onto urine for long.

For more information about women's health care, contact a local resource. 
